Perakitan lebih dahulu memudahkan pemasangan di lokasi

Berkat konstruksi pocket yang dirancang secara matang, REVEGO dapat dirakit sebelumnya di bengkel atau pabrik. Hal ini memberikan perlindungan terbaik dan memungkinkan transportasi yang praktis ke pengguna akhir. Pocket system kami dapat dipasang secara cepat dan sederhana seperti kabinet tinggi standar lainnya. Dirikan, sejajarkan, dan pasang pocket; pasang pintu dan trek; lakukan penyetelan akhir – itu saja!

Perakitan, penyetelan dan pembongkaran

Desain yang dirancang dengan matang

Pocket dan bagian depan yang sebelumnya dirakit memungkinkan pemasangan yang cepat dan tepat di lokasi. Hal ini membuat pekerjaan menjadi lebih mudah dan meningkatkan efisiensi.

Penyetelan yang mudah

Garis celah yang sempurna tercapai berkat
penyetelan 3-dimensi yang tepat dan toleransi penyetelan yang besar. Fitur penyetelan mudah diakses dan intuitif untuk digunakan.

Pembongkaran yang mudah

Masing-masing fitting dapat secara mudah dibongkar (bahkan dari furnitur bawaan) berkat antarmuka layanan terintegrasi REVEGO.

Video perakitan

REVEGO uno – Pre-assembly of pocket
This video shows the pre-assembly of the pocket for REVEGO uno.
REVEGO uno – Pre-installation preparation of the front
This video shows the pre-installation preparation of the REVEGO uno front, including the possible door support for REVEGO uno.
REVEGO uno – Adjustments
This video shows how to perform the side, height, depth and tilt adjustments for REVEGO uno.
REVEGO duo – Pre-assembly of pocket
This video shows the pre-assembly of the pocket for REVEGO duo.
REVEGO duo – Pre-installation preparation of fronts
This video shows the pre-installation preparation of REVEGO duo fronts, including the possible door supports for REVEGO duo.
REVEGO duo – Pre-installation preparation of the track cover panel and fixed shelf
This video shows the pre-installation preparation of the track cover panel and fixed shelf for REVEGO duo, REVEGO uno + duo as well as REVEGO duo + duo.
REVEGO duo – Adjustments
This video shows how to perform the side, height, depth and tilt adjustments for REVEGO duo, including the depth adjustment for possible door supports.
REVEGO uno + duo – Final assembly
This video shows the on-site installation of the REVEGO uno + duo, including the pre-assembled pockets, prepared fronts as well as track cover panel and fixed shelf.
REVEGO duo + duo final assembly
This video shows the on-site installation of the REVEGO duo + duo application, including the pre-assembled pockets, fronts as well as track cover panel and fixed shelf.
REVEGO duo final assembly
This video shows the on-site installation of the REVEGO duo application, including the pre-assembled pocket, prepared front as well as track cover panel and fixed shelf.
REVEGO uno final assembly
This video shows the on-site installation of the REVEGO uno single door application, including the pre-assembled pocket and front.
REVEGO uno removal
This video shows how to easily remove the front from REVEGO uno.
REVEGO duo – Removal
This video shows how to easily remove the fronts and the track of REVEGO duo.
REVEGO uno – Assembly of profiles
This video shows the assembling of the pocket profile, the TIP-ON unit pocket as well as the pocket cover strip of REVEGO uno.
REVEGO duo – Assembly of profiles
This video shows the assembling of the pocket and the roller profile, the TIP-ON unit pocket, the pocket and the door cover strip as well as the track of REVEGO duo.

Ini mungkin menarik untuk Anda

Product Configurator

Cara cepat dan mudah untuk menemukan solusi fitting yang tepat


Tingkatkan alur kerja digital Anda


Untuk bukaan yang fungsional

Product Configurator

Cara cepat dan mudah untuk menemukan solusi fitting yang tepat


Tingkatkan alur kerja digital Anda


Untuk bukaan yang fungsional