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Šis pristatomasis vaizdo įrašas skirtas TIP-ON BLUMOTION motion technologijai pristatyti. Jame aptariamos tokios temos: fasadai be rankenėlių, tarpai tarp fasadų, judėjimo kokybė ir jaudinančios technologijos.
Šiame video pateikiama informacija apie atskirų TIP-ON BLUMOTION komponentų montavimą. Gylio reguliavimas taip pat paprastai išaiškintas, naudojant tarpelių teoriją.
BLUMOTION S – technologija
Demonstruoja BLUMOTION S judėjimo technologijos tobulumą.
Demonstruoja BLUMOTION S privalumus, galima naudoti tris skirtingas judėjimo technologijas su vienu bėgeliu.
Trumpas vaizdo įrašas apie TIP-ON BLUMOTION, skirto LEGRABOX
Šis trumpas filmas parodo TIP-ON BLUMOTION, skirto LEGRABOX, funkcijas.
Trumpas vaizdo įrašas apie LEGRABOX su TIP-ON BLUMOTION stalčiui po kriaukle
Šis trumpas vaizdo įrašas parodo TIP-ON BLUMOTION, skirto LEGRABOX, stalčiui po kriaukle, funkcijas.
4 for more – Cabinet maker interview with Bartek Sałek from Poland (PL)
In this video Bartek Sałek from DIVANI kuchnie i wnętrza in Warsaw, Poland, explains how he manufactures a luxurious kitchen suitable for every member of the family.
4 for more – Interview with Joanna Śmieszek and Bartek Gomularz from Poland (PL)
In this video Joanna Śmieszek and Bartek Gomularz from studio goba in Poland explain how to combine aesthetics and practicality in furniture.
4 for more - Cabinet maker interview with Amélie Chambon from Clermont-Ferrand, France
Amélie Chambon, Co-Managing Director of MODOM GmbH in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Amélie manufactures exclusive made-to-measure furniture with great attention to detail.
4 for more - Cabinet maker interview with Jean-François Monier from Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, France
Jean-François Monier from Cuisines Monier GmbH in Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, France talks in this video about how he turns each of his kitchens into a unique creation.
4 for more – Cabinet maker interview with Daniel Flatz from Austria (AT)
In this video, Daniel Flatz from Flatz Ferdinand Tischlerei GmbH in Hörbranz (AT) explains how he provides a full overview of motion technologies for his customers in his showroom.
4 for more – Architect interview with Barbara Erath-Hutle from Austria (AT)
In this video, interior designer Barbara Erath-Hutle explains how the 4 Blum motion technologies can be used to create unique kitchens.
4 for more – Cabinet maker interview with Raphael König from Germany (DE)
In this video, master cabinet maker Raphael König explains how he skilfully combines the various Blum motion technologies depending on the application and installation situation.
4 for more – Cabinet maker interview with Daniel Brutscher and Rudi Ohlinger from Germany (DE)
In this video, Daniel Brutscher and Rudi Ohlinger from Wangen (Germany) explain why motion technologies play a particularly significant role when it comes to implementing many design options. The selection of furniture fittings is vitally important to them both as everything flows from one source.